Attracting Talent


Attracting talent is a dilemma that all employers face, regardless of the industry they operate in and support. It could be argued that this is a particular challenge that confronts the Oil and Gas industry, given the focus on Global Warming and the urgent need to transition to a lower carbon economy. The reality of the issue has now struck, people want to know companies are trying their best to make a difference and develop a more energy efficient industry.

However, Oil and Gas will continue to play an important role as part of the Energy Mix for many years to come, it is essential in terms of energy security, its contribution to the Scottish Economy and its strong international footprint. The sector also supports around 330,000 jobs in the UK (around 45% in Scotland) according to Oil and Gas UK.

The Scottish Government stated in its 2017 Energy Strategy- A strong and vibrant domestic offshore oil and gas industry will play an essential role in our future energy system, with the sector’s expertise invaluable in supporting jobs and skills. Almost all scenarios confirm that oil and gas will continue to play a significant role for decades to come in meeting future global energy demand. Demand for gas is expected to continue to rise until the middle of this century.

Companies, trade bodies and organisations in the Industry are already investing in research and development of cleaner forms and utilising the knowhow and skills that have been nurtured through the evolution of the sector. This will be vital in continuing to attract top talent to an industry that is a cornerstone of the economy. Organisations with a solid reputation in Corporate Social Responsibility attract, and retain, conscientious, valuable and engaged colleagues.

Make the right first impression; spend time in planning your recruitment process to ensure the candidate experience is one that means they really want to join you. A well-defined process, briefed interviewers and clearly articulated timescales and expectations from the outset will lead to a smarter, quicker hire.

Building the right culture for your employees is key to retaining them in your business. Empower your people to ensure they feel trusted and can focus on their work without feeling pressured. Traditional 9-5 roles are far less appealing to discerning candidates who value work-life balance and brands who have a track-record in recognising individuality, through flexible working schemes or alternative compensation packages, will succeed in attracting top-flight individuals. When the culture is right in organisations, employees become brand ambassadors and others want to join.

Investment in personal development, whether this is education opportunities or work-place learning experiences, is fundamental for high performers and authentic employers who recognise this will ultimately entice exceptional candidates.

Ongoing and meaningful employee engagement results in teams that feel valued. Listening and acting on what matters to your people creates a unique and genuine work environment that top talent wants to join and will position your organisation as a people-focussed, highly successful organisation.

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